bed and breakfast near florence room

Uffizi and Palazzo Vecchio


Florence (or Firenze, Florentia and Fiorenza) is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany, and of the province of Florence

One of the bridges in particular stands out as being unique — The Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge), whose most striking feature is the multitude of shops built upon its edges, held up by stilts. The bridge also carried Vasari's elevated corridor linking the Uffizi to the Medici residence (Palazzo Pitti). First constructed by the Etruscans in ancient times, this bridge is the only one in the city to have survived World War II intact.

bed and breakfast near florence room

B&B Peterson bed and breakfast near florence room Phone: +39 348 8428160
Address: Via Guido Monaco 25, 50144 Firenze -ITALY