Bed and breakfast in Florence hotels

Uffizi and Palazzo Vecchio

The Uffizi

  • In 1301, Dante was sent into Exile from here (a plaque on one of the walls of the Uffizi commemorates the event).
  • 26 April 1478 Jacopo de'Pazzi and his retainers try to raise the city against the Medici after the plot known as The congiura dei pazzi (The pazzi conspiracy) who murdered Giuliano dei Medici and wounded his brother Lorenzo; the florentines seized and hung all the members of the plot that could be apprehended from the windows of the Palace.

    Bed and breakfast in florence hotels
B&B Peterson Bed and breakfast in florence hotels Phone: +39 348 8428160
Address: Via Guido Monaco 25, 50144 Firenze -ITALY